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Safety Alert - Petzl GRILLON

January 04, 2024

Safety Alert - Petzl GRILLON

4 January 2024

Petzl requests the inspection of certain GRILLON products following the detection of ropes mounted incorrectly in the rope adjuster of recently produced GRILLON products. In such a case, the product does not perform its blocking function, which can result in a risk of injury. Please stop sales and use of GRILLON products manufactured between October and December 2023 and immediately inspect them using the information below.

Models concerned by this request for inspection

concerned models

Inspection process:

1. Identify your GRILLON marking.
Depending on the product, it may be marked on the plastic sleeve of the free strand or on the rope label. If your product has a “label marking”, it is not in the scope of this request for inspection. If your product has a “plastic sleeve marking”, proceed to the next step.

identify type of marking

2. Check the manufacturing date of your GRILLON


date of manufacture location

If your product was manufactured before October 2023 or after December 2023: your product is out of the scope of this request for inspection. If your product was manufactured in October, November or December 2023 use the options below to identify if your product needs to be inspected.

2.1. Use the Excel tool below to find out if your product or box of products needs to be inspected: download excel  or the list of batches to be inspected is also available on this PDF: download PDF.

2.2. If your product needs to be inspected, carry out the inspection described below.

3. Visual Inspection Required
visual inspection procedure

4. Reinstall Rope (if required) and Function Test


function test
If you have any questions or doubts, contact your local Petzl after-sales service via the contact form.

Safety Alert FAQ's

My product is marked on a grey plastic sleeve instead of a red one. Is this normal?
This is a black GRILLON product. In this case, the sleeve is not red but smoked grey. Refer to this marking to identify if your product is in the scope of this request for inspection.

How many products aïŹ€ected have been detected?
As of January 2, 2024, 8 products have been detected, in a single manufacturing batch.

Have there been any injuries with the products affected?
As of January 2, 2024, no injuries have been reported.

I received a GRILLON product with a green sticker on my product bag. What does this mean?
Petzl has inspected GRILLON products concerned by this request and has identiïŹed compliant product with a 🟱 green sticker on the bag.